Using your Testo analyzer, run a combustion analyzation test.
Stack temperature should be between 350 to 450 degrees fahrenheit.
O2 Percentage should be between 3-10% depending on the type of boiler.
Carbon monoxide parts per million (ppm) should be between .1 to 10 ppm.
Gross Efficiency should be between 85-95%.
Remove each burner tube and inspect for damage and wear and tear.
Burner tubes rarely need to be replaced but they should be removed for inspection every time mainteance is performed.
For Steam Boilers Only
Verify the low water cutoff is functioning properly. If the green and red indicator lights are flashing that indicates the low water cutoff has an error.
Press the red reset button to reset the low water cutoff. That should resolve any errors.
The pressure controller should be set to 1.0 PSI for low-pressure boilers.
Any errors or ideas for improvement should be submitted via comments.
Any errors or ideas for improvement should be submitted via comments.